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Four star General Dwight D. Eisenhower, later elected President of the USA
General Dwight David Eisenhower.

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Q: Who was the Supreme Commander of Allied forces during World War 2?
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Supreme commander of the allied forces during the war?

General Dwight David Eisenhower

Who was the Allied leader during d day?

Gen. Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of all allied forces.

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Eisenhower was the Commander of ALL Allied forces

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Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR)

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The Supreme Commander of Allied Forces Europe was Dwight Eisenhower.

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Who was the supreme commander of the Allied forces on the day?


What was the nickname for the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces?

Dwight D Eisenhower was in command of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, called SHAEF. Eisenhower was nicknamed Ike.

Which general served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces for D-Day?

Gen Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander.

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General Douglas MacArthur was the supreme commander of the allied forces in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War 2.

Who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces on D-Day?


What is the name of the general who was in charge of the allied forces during the war in Europe?

American General Dwight David Eisenhower served as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe.