John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter, Dean Rusk, William Rogers and Henry Kissinger.
President Roosevelt was the president during World War 2. He did not live to see the end of the war however. Vice President Truman became the President and he was president when the war ended and during the Korean War.
President Carter did not support the amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war due to his will to win the war and defeat Vietnam.
The two presidents during the Vietnam War were JFK, and LBJ.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
Probably the most important citizen of Vietnam during the Vietnam War period was Ho Chi Minh. He was the president of North Vietnam and considered a hero to many.
He was president during the cold war and vietnam.
Hubert Humphrey was the Vice President of President Johnson.
Andrew Johnson was Abraham Lincoln's vice president during the civil war.
no hahah he was running for president during the vietnam war
Diem & Thieu
The president of the USA for a major time of the Vietnam War was Lyndon Johnson.
Diem, later Thieu.
During the civil war the vice president was Andrew Johnson. Then after President Lincoln was assassinated Johnson became president.
Adrew Johnson was Vice-President during the last year of the Civil War. Alexander Stevens was the Confederate Vice President. Hannibal Hamlin was the Vice President at first but Lincoln dropped him for Andrew Johnson.