Sounds like U.S. Grant. A heavy drinker certainly. Butcher - yes, he appeared to be blase about his losses, but it was simply a war of attrition, and he knew the Confederates would run out of men first.
Field Marshall Haig was also considered a good leader rather than being a butcher because of two reasons. Firstly, he knew what he had to do to save the country, he sacrificed the lives of the soldiers to protect the other thousand lives in Britain. This is shown when Field Marshall Haig says, " losses are bound to be heavy on both sides, for in the price of victory is paid." Moreover, this is portrayed when Field Marshall Haig encourages his men when he says, " no superiority of arms and ammunition however great will enable victories to be won without sacrifice of men's lives." Secondly, the methods he used in the war were very wise and in line with that period of time. Other than that he was a total butcher because he sent thousands to their deaths and spoke about it like if it was no big deal, in my opinion he was not a great leader.
Firstly because it was considered cool and secondly they were very heavy, so it was easier to put the weight on your shoulder rather than having your arm ache.
they also were the target of heavy destruction by the Allied forces
Suicidal is a very strong word but RAF really attacked - with heavy losses - a german ship at the very end of the Romback fjord. This operation was made by a Mosquito squadron of the Coastal Command, lead by the Wing Commander "Maurice", the protected identity of Max Guedj, a french pilot attached to the Royal Air Force.
Sounds like U.S. Grant. A heavy drinker certainly. Butcher - yes, he appeared to be blase about his losses, but it was simply a war of attrition, and he knew the Confederates would run out of men first.
A heavy drinker is sometimes called a sot.
His father was a heavy drinker. which lead to liver proplems and death finally.
No. Obama never was a heavy drinker.
yes he did drink he was a heavy drinker
Blacking out
Yes Christiano Ronaldo was heavy drinker. A complete Alcholic.
It is unlikely, although he was known to be a relatively heavy drinker.
Sounds like a heavy drinker who doesn't remember anything for several days!