Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Communist government in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
diem was the communist leader of north Vietnam.
During the Viet War North Vietnam was a communist nation; the Republic of South Vietnam, which no longer exists, was a free democratic nation. After the war ended in 1975 both N & S Vietnam became one communist country (because North Vietnam won the war, they conquered the Republic of South Vietnam).
To prevent the communist take over of the NON-communist Republic of South Vietnam, by Communist NORTH Vietnam.
Preventing Communist North Vietnam from taking over the Free Non communist country of South Vietnam.
Communist North Vietnam successfully re-united with it's southern half, creating one communist Vietnam country.Unification forthe country of Vietnam.
The communist leader who took over North Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh.
Ho and thieu
diem was the communist leader of north Vietnam.
The Communist leader of North Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh. He was a revolutionary leader that wanted Vietnam's independence from foreign countries. He was born in 1890 and died in 1969. After the fall of Saigon during the Vietnam War, it was renamed Ho Chi Minh City for this leader.
Ho Chi Minh
North Vietnam was the communist area after the division. But more specifically the Vietminh, or Vietcong. Ho Chi Minh was the leader.
North Vietnam was pro-communist. South Vietnam was anti-communist.
North Vietnam.
North Vietnam was communist, supported by Russia, China, and Cuba.
became Communist and reunited with North Vietnam
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