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This question seems to assume that records were kept of the names of the victims and of the dates (and even times) of death. This wasn't how the Holocaust was carried out. Some victims were worked to death, but the majority were gassed in large numbers. Some extermination camps were liberated; others were dissolved by the Nazis as the Allies approached. One of the few concentration camps still in operation when the Allies reached it was Bergen-Belsen. The last victim? Some of the prisoners were desperately ill, and despite medical treatment and nursing care by the British, the deaths continued till long after the end of the war.

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16y ago

At many of the camps liberated by Allies, for example, Bergen-Belsen, highly Infectious Diseases such as typhus were rampant. Deaths from the Holocaust continued for quite a long time after the end of the war. At Bergen-Belsen it took several weeks to deal fully with the twofold problem of starvation and disease. In practice, it's not possible to point to any one individual and say that he or she was last victim to die in the Holocaust.

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13y ago

That is not an easy question to answer. It would depend on when you say that the Holocaust started and indeed how you define the Holocaust.

The answer to almost all of the criteria is: unknown. It is no doubt unknown what his/her name was or even where and under what circumstances as the Holocaust impacted upon millions of people over a vast area and the time and date was unlikely to be recorded.

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15y ago

There are many Holocaust survivors still living.

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Q: Who was the first person to die in the Holocaust?
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