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Robert E. Lee, J. E. B. Stuart, Joseph Johnson, Stonewall Jackson, P. G. T. Beauregard, Nathan Bedford Forrest, James Longstreet, George Pickett, John S. Mosby, Patrick Clebourne, John Bell Hood, Albert Johston, John C. Breckenridge, Ambrose Hill, John Morgan, Braxton Bragg, William Barksdale, Jubal Early, Richard Ewell, Lewis Armistead, Admiral Semmes are the most well known. There are a half dozen, or more, others not as well known.

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the south was robert genral lee and the north was elmo

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Q: Who was the generals of the south and north of the civil war?
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Who were the most important civil war generals?

The most important Civil War generals were General Ulysses S. Grant for the North and General Robert E. Lee for the South.

Who was in charge of the north and south during the civil war?

There were many different Generals in the Civil War, but Lincoln hired all of the generals for the North who was the Union and the South who was the Confederates was mostly general Robert E. Lee. Douglas was the president of the South since the south wanted to break away from the union.

Military advantages of the north and south during civil war?

The easiest anwser is that the North had technology, shear number of troops, and industry on their side. The South had much better generals, a more willingness to fight, and that the war was fought in their back yard

What was the name of the USwar between the south and the north?

The Civil War (1861-1865) The Civil War was fought between the Union (north) and the Confederacy (south). The war was fought mainly about the issue of slavery. The Union eventually won and that is what makes us the United States of America today.

What advantages did the North have over the South in finding generals during the US Civil War?

Most US generals came from the ranks of the graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. The North had a larger pool of military trained men then did the South. The pool of officers was larger for the North, no doubt. However, on both sides the general pool was diluted due to the necessity of making political generals. On a ratio basis, it can be debated that the South had a higher quality of possible generals.

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During the civil war which side north or south is led from the beginning by smart able generals?

This is a matter of opinion, but the South probably had the better generals at the start of the Civil War.

Who were the leading generals at the civil war surrender signing?

Grant for the North, Lee for the South

Who were the most important civil war generals?

The most important Civil War generals were General Ulysses S. Grant for the North and General Robert E. Lee for the South.

Who were the generals of the civil war?

The major and most prominent generals in the US Civil War can be narrowed down to two generals. For the South the prominent general was Robert E. Lee. For the North it would be US Grant.

Who were the famous generals during the civil war?

Lee for the South and Grant for the North were the most famous.

What were the generals name of the south during the civil war?

He was William Tecumseh Sherman.Answer:There were numerous generals in both the Northern and Southern armies during the American Civil War (See Link). As the North eventually carried the war to the South there could even be said to be Northern generals in the South at some periods.

Who were the two famous generals from the north and the south during the civil war?

The South - Robert E. Lee / North - Ulysses S. Grant .

Who was in charge of the north and south during the civil war?

There were many different Generals in the Civil War, but Lincoln hired all of the generals for the North who was the Union and the South who was the Confederates was mostly general Robert E. Lee. Douglas was the president of the South since the south wanted to break away from the union.

Who were the generals of the north in the civil war?

Grant and Sherman

Why did the North fail to achieve a rapid victory over the South during the civil war?

Because the south had a lot of generals that had gone to school in other countries and the north did not have that

Who were the generals leading in the civil war?

General Robert E. Lee for the South and General Ulysses S Grant for the North.

What advantage did the South enjoy over the North at the start of the Civil War?

The South had superior generals. It also had a powerful patriotism and a belief in the justice of its cause.