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Q: Who was the most influential black abolitionist?
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Why was the liberator imported to the anti-slavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

How was the Liberator important to the abolitionist movement?

just listen in class .

Why was the liberator to the antislavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

Why was the liberator important to the antislavery?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

Who the nations most influential African American abolitionist and published an antislavery newspaper called the north star?

Frederick Douglass

The most prominent black abolitionist of the 1850s?

David Walker

Why was the Liberator important to the antislavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

A famous abolitionist who owned an influential paper called The Liberator was?

William Lloyd Garrison.

Was David Walker a black abolitionist?

Yes. David Walker was a black abolitionist in the early 1800s.

After the war did James forten become a wealthy politician and an influential abolitionist?

I don't think he became a politician. He took over Robert Bridges business and yes, he was an influential abolitionist. But, I would double check this just in case I'm wrong.

Why did The Liberator play a significant role in the anti-slavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

Whats the difference between the black abolitionist movement and the white abolitionist movement?
