The Secretary of State for Germany that signed the armistice was Matthias Erzberger. It was signed on November 11,1918 and effectively ended the war, though the Treaty of Versailles would make it official. He was later assassinated by a terrorist organization for signing the armistice.
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The other Central Powers on the German side of World War I were dealt with in separate treaties. Although the armistice signed on 11 November 1918 ended the actual fighting, it took six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. Of the many provisions in the ty, one of the most important and controversial required Germany to accept sole responsibility for causing the war
Cordell Hull
For the majority of the war, the Secretary of State was Cordell Hull. Edward Stettinius, Jr. became Secretary of State during the last few months of WWII.
Secretary of state
The Korean War officially ended in 1953 with the signing of an armistice agreement. After three years of conflict North and South Korea agreed to a ceasefire and established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) a 2.5 mile wide strip of land separating the two countries. Since then there has been no formal end to the war and both countries remain in a state of armistice. Despite the technical state of war diplomatic relations between the two states have improved since the 1990s leading to a series of reconciliatory agreements.1953: Armistice agreement signed establishing the Korean DMZ.1990s: Improved diplomatic relations between North and South Korea.2000-2018: Multiple reconciliatory agreements and summits.
Matthias Erzberger
It would normally be the state's Secretary of State that puts the state seal on all official papers signed by the governor.
No, because an armistice was signed in July 27 1953
William H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Secretary of State John Hay signed for the United States.
It is a tie between all of them. The Secretary of State does not sign money. That is done by the Secretary of the Treasury. All dollar bills are also signed by the Treasurer. And no, they aren't the same person. But, if your question is which Secretary of the Treasury signed the fewest bills I'd probably go with the shortest tenured sectreas and that would be Joseph Barr. He was only sectreas for a year and his signature is only on 1.00 dollar bills. 458 million of them. Perhaps Hamilton or another person signed fewer.
Truman Act.
Secretary of State Zimmerman
The government fell apart as World War I left Germany with no money. The Armistice signed in November, 1918 was used as an excuse for Germany's failure and poverty. Due to this, Kaiser Wilhelm II fled from Germany and abdicated. This led to riots and much tension throughout Germany and called for a new government in order to improve the economic state of the country. This is where the Weimar Republic comes in. Eventually Adolf Hitler came into power and helped Germany's economy improve immensely.
John Quincy Adams the U.S. Secretary of State signed the treaty that signaled the purchase of the Florida territory.
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