Those figures change, based upon the writer's resources: See website: My Lai Massacre.
It wasn't covered up, there were courts, trials, and convictions.
a massacre of unarmed Vietnamese Villagers by US troops
hao lai
The Tet Offensive was an attack on South Vietnamese forces during the Vietnamese New Year. North Vietnamese troops, i.e. Viet Cong and Viet Minh, came up with a plan that would attack the South Vietnamese forces and the American troops. These tactics included surprise attacks, mow-downs, and setting up booby traps. It was a psychological win for the North Vietnamese because the fact that they found a way that could weaken the South Vietnamese forces. Days later, the US came back with harsh counterattacks such as the My Lai Massacre. The massacre killed over 250 Viet Cong members and 150 civilians, that's over 400 people killed. The leader of this massacre was not welcomed kindly when reentering the US.
The united states mistakingly killed them thinking they were viet cong
See: My Lai Massacre.
The My Lai incident is sometimes referred to as the My Lai Massacre. In this incident, US soldiers killed a large number of women, children, and elderly people in a village in Vietnam.
Those figures change, based upon the writer's resources: See website: My Lai Massacre.
The answer is NO! it happened after. Tet offensive happened on New Years, but My Lai massacre happened on 16 March 1968
Although the exact number isn't known, the My Lai Massacre killed somewhere between 347 and 504 civilians, including men, woman, children, and even infants.
my lai
It wasn't.
My Lai Massacre Hue Massacre Dak Son Massacre
"Four Hours in My Lai", by Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim (1993). Is a book about the 1968 My Lai massacre.