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I'm pretty sure the triple alliance was one of the dozens of intermingling alliances that united Germany, austro-Hungary, and Bulgaria.

xxxdarkflame-Actually the triple alliance was in ww1 and they were Germany,Austria/Hungary,and Italy;and the triple entente was France Great Britain and russia,but that was all in is the allies and the foes for ww2


United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, Free France, Republic of China, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Republic of Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Philippines, Ethiopia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Iraq


Germany, Italy, Japan, Vichy France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Thailand

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The Triple Entente was an alliance with France, Britian, and Russia.

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Q: Who was the triple alliance in World War 2?
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What 2 sides fought World War 1?

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The Triple Alliance was formed by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in two stages: 1. Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary (1879). 2. In 1882 Italy, which at the time was in dispute with France in North Africa, joined the alliance. Italy's joining didn't really make sense as Italy had claims on Austria-Hungary. The Triple Alliance was not something created in the run-up to World War 1.

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The Triple Alliance(Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) and the Triple Entente(France, Britain, and Russia)

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Prior to World War 1, the alliance between Germany, Austria, and Italy was known as the Triple Alliance, which formed into an alliance between Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.Prior to World War 2, Austria and Germany unified into a single German state in a process known as Anschluß, or unification.

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Triple Entene and Triple Alliance

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1. Previous wars between France and Germany (Franco-Prussian war of 1871). 2. Annexation of Bosnia by Austro-Hungary 3. The Alliance system (Triple Alliance and Triple Entente). 4. The Moroccan crises (1904 and 1911). 5. The assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand Gang