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potato pete and doctor carrot

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8y ago
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Aisha Animates

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Yes I agree too!
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15y ago

"Potato Pete" was one. The other, I think, was "Doctor Carrot".Onions were hard to get, and carrots considered horses food. The minister of food wanted people to eat more carrots, and also to stop the Nazis finding the secret of radar, so he put it abroad that carrots enabled people to see in blackouts and night-time RAF pilots to see in the dark too. Which was a sort of half-truth. But people hated carrot cakes. Don't forget that about the time of WWII, Popeye gave up his whiffle hen and began eating spinach for his strength.

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14y ago

Dr Carrot was invented. Also Walt Disney sent over carrot characters to use in the Carrot Campaign. The World Carrot Museum has more information. See related link.

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7y ago

It was a to show with stars in ww2 called potato Pete and dr carrot who encouraged children to eat vegetables.

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Charlie and lola

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Hi hs

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Q: Who was used to encourage people to eat carrots in world war 2?
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