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There were hundreds of them - remembering that Brigadiers were of General rank.

General-in-Chief of the Union armies in the final year of the war was Ulysses Grant.

General-in-Chief of the Confederate armies in the final weeks of the war (a newly-created post) was Robert E. Lee.

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15y ago

Confederate Generals:

Jefferson Davis - General in Chief

Samuel Cooper - Adjutant General

Albert Sidney Johnston - Commander of the Department of the West and Commander of the Army of Mississippi

Robert E. Lee - Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and General in Chief (1865)

Joseph E. Johnston - Commander of the Army of the Shenandoah,Commander of the Army of the Potomac, Commander of the Department of the West, Commander of the Army of Tennessee and commander of the Armies of the West (1865)

Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard - Commander of the Provisional Army of the Confederacy, Commander of the Army of the Potomac, Commander of the Army of Mississippi, Commander of the Department of Georgia/South Carolina and Florida and commander of the Department of the West.

Braxton Bragg - Commander of the Army of Tennessee, Millitary Advisor to the General in Cheif (1864)

Edmund Kirby Smith - Commander of the Army of East Tennessee, Commander of the Department of Trans-Mississippi.

Jubal Early - Commander of the Army of the Shenandoah

Richard Taylor - Commander of the Forces in Louisiana.

Nathan Bedford Forrest - independent Cavalry commander.

Union Generals:

Abraham Lincoln - Commander in Chief

Winfield Scott - General in Cheif (1860)

George B. McClellan - Commander of the Department of the Ohio, Commander of the Army of the Potomac, General in Chief (1861)

Henry Halleck - Commander of the Department of the Missouri, General in Cheif (1862-1864), Chief of Staff to the General in Cheif (1864-1865)

Ulysses S. Grant - Commander of the Army of the Tennessee, General in Cheif (1864-1865)

William T. Sherman - Commander of the Army of the Tennessee, Commander of the combined Armies of the Tennessee/Army of the Cumberland and the Army of the Ohio

George Henry Thomas - Commander of the Army of the Cumberland

William Rosecrans - Commander of the Army of the Cumberland, Commander of the Department of Missouri

John Pope - Commander of the Army of the Mississippi, Commader of the Army of Virginia.

Abrose E. Burnside - Commander of the Army of the Potomac

Joseph Hooker - Commander of the Army of the Potomac

George G. Meade - Commander of the Army of the Potomac

Philip Sheridan - Commander of the Army of the Shenandoah

Benjamin Butler - Commander of the Army of the Gulf

Nathanial P. Banks - Commander of the Army of the Gulf

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13y ago

The leading generals for the Union were U.S. Grant, William T. Sherman, Philip H. Sheridan and George G. Meade

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16y ago

One of the leading Civil War generals for the Confederacy/South was Robert Edawrd (E.) Lee.

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14y ago
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12y ago

I don't know why are you asking me stop being an idiot and figure it out yourself

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Q: Who were important generals in the civil war?
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Who were the most important civil war generals?

The most important Civil War generals were General Ulysses S. Grant for the North and General Robert E. Lee for the South.

Name 5 Civil War generals?

Do you mean the Spanish Civil War or the American Civil War?

Who were the generals on the union army in the civil war?

Notably , U.S. Grant ~ look to the related link below for a list of generals in the Civil War .

Why did it take 4 years to win civil war?

In three words: Northern military incompetence. The Union had a few good generals, Grant most notably, but most of the Union generals were outclassed by the Confederate generals. The North held every advantage in this war except for a surplus of competent generals.

Who won the Roman civil war?

Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.Please be more specific as to which civil war. Sulla, Caesar, Octavian and Vespasian are four generals that immediately come to mind, but in different civil wars.