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The SOE was the British intelligence services network of agents who aided the resistance movements in Nazi occupied Europe in WW2. They worked closely with resistance fighters, many of them were foreign nationals themselves, and among other events, assassinated Heydrich in Czechoslovakia.

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Q: Who were special operation executives and what did they do?
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Job description for operation executive?

An operation executive oversees all aspects of a company. Operation executives handle the hiring of other managers--such as those in sales, advertising and marketing--and typically report only to an executive board. They don't need to necessarily know how to perform all the tasks of all the other managers, but operation executives do need to make sure to put capable people in place. Sometimes they are referred to as the Chief Executive Officer or general manager.BasicsOperation executives work in every industry, holding high-profile (and often high-paying) positions. They are responsible for the company's bottom line, developing strategies and setting policies, and making sure employees work as a team and morale stays high. Along with those things, operation executives often act as the "face" of the company, taking heat when things go wrong and receiving most of the credit when the company is successful. Mostly, though, they need to make sure it remains profitable, and even exceeds expectations. SkillsOperation executives must possess outstanding leadership skills, communicating the company's needs and how employees should work to meet its goals. They should be confident, driven, organized, analytical, able to identify obstacles and find ways to overcome them. Most operation executives also need to be strong in areas such as marketing, accounting and technology, as they often use computers to track sales and manager finances. BackgroundThe criteria to become an operation executive varies by industry, and even each individual company. Still, the majority are expected to have obtained at least a bachelor's degree, or even a master's or doctorate, in their chosen field. Along with that, many operation executives spend years working in their industry, first as lower level employees, then as managers, before being given the keys to a company. ProspectsEmployment of operation executives is at the mercy of their industry and, of course, their performance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for top executives are expected to experience little to no change during the 2008 to 2018 decade--compared to an 11 percent growth rate for all jobs during the same span. EarningsOperation executives in most industries are among the highest earners in the country, with many making at close to or more than six figures in salary. According to the BLS, top executives earned a median salary of $91,570 per year in May 2008. Those in the computer system design industry were the highest earners, with a median salary of $133,140 per year.

What is sfod army delta?

Americas special forces unit ...aericas beat special forces unit special forces operation delta

What are plural executives?

The word "executives" is already plural.

Is sales executives purchase executives?

is sales purchase

How many legs does a executives have?

Executives are people, so two.