The Nazi regime didn't tell ordinary Germans about the mass murder; they just went ahead and did it.
Murder, terror, robbery, violence, extermination, odium and anything related.
The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.
There was 11,000 people inthe nazi army on D-Day.
They believed that their race was superior to others. It was only a small factor in the lead up to the Holocaust, the world was and is full of nations and people who believe that they are better than others, this does not cause mass murder.
The wholesale murder of millions of innocent and helpless Jewish people at the hands of evil,wicked people(the Nazi's).The trials were to bring the surviving Nazi leaders to Justice.
I believe the phrase to summarize the program of Nazi genocide against the Jewish people was " the final solution".
Hitler stated these words, "The Final Solution." for people of Jewish faith, and others
The Nazi regime didn't tell ordinary Germans about the mass murder; they just went ahead and did it.
The Genocidal murder of the Jewish People, Gypsies, the handicapped and other peoples the Nazi's thought of as inferior beings.
Technology played a massive role in the Holocaust; it was known as the first industrialised mass murder. Technology allowed for the killing of great numbers of people and the disposal of their remains.
The people who were murdered in the Nazi Death Camps were mainly Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, some Polish people and mentally and physically challenged people.
she died in a typhus epidemic
they were the Nuremberg Trials, to try the Nazi criminals who committed murder during the WW ll atrocities against the Jewish people.
The phrase "special treatment" used by the Nazi administration referred to the systematic murder of individuals deemed undesirable, including Jews, Romani people, disabled individuals, and others, in concentration camps and extermination camps during the Holocaust. It was a euphemism for mass murder.
Painless death.
the Nazis called it the final solution.