Countries that were neutral in World War 1:
The Us stayed neutral for a while until they got a hold of the Zimmerman Telegraph that the British intercepted. The Zimmerman Telegraph stated that German would continue unrestricted submarine warfare which angered many Americans and caused President Wilson to declare war. Also, Russia dropped out of the war after a while too.
Countries may proclaim their neutrality in various military conflicts for many reasons. Ideally, no country wants to be involved in war, although the same cannot be said for particular military or political leaders. When governments proclaim their neutrality during conflicts between nations it usually is because at the time of their proclaiming neutrality they don't believe it will serve the best interest of their country to take sides or it may be that they aren't sure if the fighting is justified. It may be that they cannot tell exactly which country is in the right and deserving of support. Many countries are part of military alliances through means of treaties or pacts that bind and obligate them to certain actions when conflicts arise. Some countries are not bound by these measures and are free to remain neutral. Some countries assess the risks involved in taking sides at any particular time and decide that the risks are too great. Many countries are just very weak militarily and have no desire to get involved in military conflicts at all. Sometimes countries proclaim neutrality at the outbreak of war and afterwards decide to take sides when they believe it is in their best interest or of the best interest of the world community at large. Many countries have been forced into joining in wars by more powerful countries whether they liked it or not due to the dominance of the greater power. Someone once said "Wouldn't it be nice if they called for a war and no one showed up?" Unfortunately things don't work like that, but it would be wonderful if no one ever wanted to take advantage of someone else.
The neutral powers were Albania, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Many countries were neutral during World War I, like Switzerland.
Spain was not involved in World War 2. They were neutral
I only know one which is Brazil
South Africa
The Allies and the Entente.
Switzerland, Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, and Spain were neutral countries in World War 2.
Countries in Europe that were Neutral in World War I:NorwaySwedenDenmarkNetherlandsSwitzerlandSpain
Central Powers= They are the countries that are fighting in the war. Neutral powers= They are not involved in the fighting
Basically every country who was involved in the war. Also many neutral countries were involved in rescue attempts.
Many countries were neutral during World War I, like Switzerland.
== == In all conflicts some powers stay neutral. Generally it was because the neutral nation saw no need to get involved. Wars are costly in money and usually bloody. They can lead to destabilizing conditions for all involved parties, even victors. As such, a wise national leader will consider all options before resorting to war.
They are called neutral nations. These countries were neutral during World War 2: Spain, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, and Switzerland.
Spain was not involved in World War 2. They were neutral
ya mum
2 countries, Switzerland, Netherlands
I only know one which is Brazil
this is because some countries were either too busy going through their own problems (EG. civil wars), had sworn to not get involved in foreign affairs unless attacked first, or did not agree with either of the groups involved in the war