

Best Answer
The Vietnam War
The US entered the war to reach an objective. That objective was to stop communist expansion. The goal was not achieved, therefore, the US lost the war. True, there were more casualties for the North, but that does not determine whether or not they lost, considering the superior technology, training, and firepower of US forces.

The North Vietnamese ultimately won the war, assuming control from the Viet Cong and defeating the forces of the South once the US had withdrawn its forces. They unified Vietnam under their communist rule.

Additional Opinions
  • Answer: Over 50,000 brave American soldiers died and over 300,000 were injured. This is only a measure in American lives; it does not count the number of South Vietnamese lives - the people we went in to help in order to preserve democracy - and those of other allied forces in this war. (Allied forces against communist Vietnam were: South Vietnam, United States of America, South Korea, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Khmer Republic, Thailand, and Kingdom of Laos.) US troops were deployed in Vietnam in 1965 but the war had started in 1959. Millions of Vietnamese, Laos and Cambodian lives were lost. The war ended on April 30th, 1975 with the capture of Saigon by the communist forces and the surrender of General Duong Van Minh (South Vietnam). Vietnam agreed to pay for war reparations, and their economy seemed to have plummeted drastically after the war and depended much on the US economy to remain afloat. The US was defeated in the battlefield but Vietnam appears to have surrendered their economy to the US.
  • As for the Tet offensive, it is considered a military failure by the North, but it was a massive political victory which directly contributed Westmoreland's fall, and subsequently, Nixon's rise to presidency and his "Vietnamization" plan. The American mission was defensive for a short time, but then quickly turned into an offensive one when Westmoreland initiated his "3 Phase plan" which included invasion of the North and eradication of all organized enemy forces along with bombing of the North's railroads, supply depots, and many other strategic places. And please explain to us why McDonalds, Coke machines, ect have ANYTHING to do with the Vietnam war. Those thing are all over the world. If you Americans keep being so arrogant and willingly turn a blind eye to your past faults and mistakes, somebody, whether Russian, Chinese, Iraqi, or whoever, will take advantage of it and you will pay dearly.
  • The answer is that North Vietnam may have won the war, but not over US forces. Congress did that, and thereby caused the deaths of many South Vietnam people by forcing our troops to leave them. The war was a political war, with the military severely limited on who or what they could attack. It was not until the B-52s were allowed to bomb North Vietnam supply centers in Hanoi that the North was brought to the peace discussions. Both parties actually signed a peace treaty in January of 1973. Shortly after, the US Congress passed an anti-war measure (Case-Church Amendment) in August of 1973. This prohibited US troops from being involved in any more fighting. Thus encouraged, the North again attacked and by 1975 had defeated the South, murdering many of the people who supported the South or the U.S.
  • The world won the war. The fact that we as a world were able to get past this war without a nuclear exchange between several countries is a victory for the world. As we grow our technologies we have to become more careful how we handle conflicts. War is not always the answer. With the usa suffering 58,000 deaths it was nothing in comparison to the north suffering 1.1 million deaths. The united nations mainly the united states funded the war and the number of deaths speak for its self as far as who won the war. However the real winner was the world not blowing everything up with nuclear weapons.

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13y ago

North Vietnam (supported lightly by China and the Soviet Union) won the war against South Vietnam supported directly by the U.S. (America basically fought the war for South Vietnam).

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When North Vietnam captured Saigon, South Vietnam's capitol in 1975 North Vietnam won.

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