Millions of people died, and hundreds of millions were injured, had their homes destroyed, etc.
the you being smart decade..... to bad its not still here
After World War 2
world war 2
Depending on who you are you fought in World War 2. World War
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
pretty bad
very bad
Well, I believe world war 2 was worse! My great grandfather fought in world war 2!
There was the war between the bad (Japan and Germany or nazis)and the rest of the world.
it was very bad
World War 2 and an economic depression.
It was bad for me.
Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Emperor Hirohito of Japan were the "bad guys" of World War 2.
Adolph Hitler
Seriously? Yes, yes it was.