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because they might spoil your lungs

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Q: Why are air bombs dangeour?
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What is an airraid?

hi, an air raid is when bombs fire at you basically

Why were the bombs busting in the air and not on the ground?

the nipples were too hard (:

Do nuclear bombs make the air poisonous after they explode?


What happened when the bombs landed?

Both weapons were air bursts.

Where is the Bombs Away Air Force Museum in Haughton Louisiana located?

The address of the Bombs Away Air Force Museum is: 120 Evangeline Ln, Haughton, LA 71037-8764

How did technology change combat on air?

The combat in the air gained bombs and machine guns on the planes.

Did the nuclear bomb dropped on japan explode on impact or in mid air?

The bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atomic bombs and not nuclear bombs and were designed to explode above the ground and not on impact.

What kind of weapons do fighter jets have?

Usually machine guns and air to air missiles. Sometimes they might also carry air to surface missiles or bombs. Some (e.g. F-14, F/A-18) can carry nuclear bombs.

How were the Japanese able to travel to Hawaii to drop the bombs?

they had air planes...

Do lava bombs fly through air from a volcano?

It depends on the volcano.

WHAT IS Us air force main responsibility?

Drop bombs on target.