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Q: Why are robots so important?
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Why robots are important?

Robots are important because robots perform tasks that would be dangerous and even sometimes impossible for humans to do.

Why is recognition important?

websites don't want robots or machines on their page. they do this so that they know you are a human this will help to prevent glitches and hacks.

What is need of robots?

we people are lazy so to fulfil our needs without doing any work so we need Robots

Will robots be able to a lot more than they can do now?

Technology is always developing, so robots will be able to do more.

Do robots use the bathroom?

No robots cant use the bathroom they simply have no Bladder so they cant ever have to go

Conclusion on application of robots?

Application of robots are very important especially in areas where humans will easily get fatigue or collapse due to little oxygen and high temperatures.

Could computers and robots exist if everything was inorganic?

Computers and robots are inorganic, so they could indeed exist. the question is whether or not computers and robots could have come about in a universe that is inorganic.

Where are robots being used?

China and Japan are the places where you find most of the robots being used, but in most automobilie factories there are robots in use. So they're not only in China and Japan. The more humanoid robots are primarily in China and Japan. Also there is robotics comititions where students build robots and battle them in multiple countries.

What is so great about robots in manufacturing?


How many robots were on venus and what is there name?

There have been no known robots on Venus. Due to the extreme environment on the planet, such as high temperatures and pressure, it is difficult to send robots there.

Why is robotics important?

Robotics is important because robots help us in everyday life, plus do the dangerous and work that we cant do.

Are televisions and toasters considered robots?

Probably yes because they are robotic and they work like robots so YES.