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Many say it was because of slavery, but the actual reason was because of the North and South having unreasonable disagreements over stupid things. For example: the North could process iron, while the South couldn't, and the North expected that the South were just low classes idiots. The South could grow all these crops that the North wasn't able to. The South had the right climates, while the North didn't, and the South just assumed the North were bunch of geeks who were only into technology. The main reason why this war happened was because that both sides couldn't take the fact that some things that one side did, the other just simply couldn't! Hope that helped!

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Q: Why did America fight in the Civil War?
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Who were the Yankees in the war?

Yankees were the northern part of America to fight in the civil war the "blue guys"

Did North and South America fight the Civil War?

The American Civil war was between the USA and a collection of maverick states (in the south of the current USA) who were known as the Confederate States of America. The USA (North) won.

What two part people fight in the civil war?

The Confederate States of America against the northern states.

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He did not fight for civil WAR! he fought for civil RIGHTS and liberties

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No he did not fight in the Civil War

Was the Civil War or Revolutionary war more important for America?

There are both very important to America. But The Revolutionary I think is a little more important because it started America, but the civil war almost ended America and did for a few years but the Revolutionary War is more important

When was America's Civil War created?

America's Civil War was created in 1988.

Did girls fight in the Civil War?

Women did not fight in the Civil War. But, some did dress up like men to help out in the war.

Where did they fight at in the civil war?
