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Nationalistic pride was a tool used by the Nazi's prior to and during the second world war to control the people of Germany. Nazism relies on vilifying groups of people to achieve it's aims of control.

To do this they had to make a comparison which was in favour of the so called 'Aryan race'. Since the Nazi's wanted to control the German people, it was necessary to elevate their self esteem.

They did this through tools such as national pride. Promoting the symbolic idea of the perfect German allowed them to produce a situation where the German people legitimately thought that they were superior to groups such as the Jews, Roma Gypsies, physically and mentally people. This eventually allowed the Nazis to persecute anyone they wanted without opposition from the German people.

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The Germans felt humiliated because they were told that they had lost World War II on the battlefield. The Germans didn't agree with this. They thought that they were forced to ask for an Armistice because of what was happening on the home front. Germany was never invaded and the Germans did not lose any major battle that ended the war. The statement that Germany had lost the war on the battlefield was called "The Big Lie" by Hitler.

The Germans were also humiliated because they were told that Germany was the sole cause of World War I. A guilt clause was put into the Treaty of Versailles to justify the reparations that German was forced to pay to France and Great Britain.

Hitler gave the Germans back their pride by telling them that they were not the sole cause of World War I and that they didn't lose the war on the battlefield.

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The Germans were demoralized after learning that they had lost the war. Most Germans could not accept the fact, and the blame was put on weak politicians rather than on military exhaustion.

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They had to pay for damages and had to decrease their military.

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Q: Why did Germans felt humiliated about the result of World War 1?
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Many Germans felt they had been treated unfairly in the Treaty of Versailles

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