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In 1853, when the US Navy's Commodore Perry sailed his "warships" into Japanese waters, he opened Japan's culture to the outside world. They had lived in their own "sealed kingdom" (self imposed isolation) before then. When Japan saw the mini-locomotive trains, and latest cannons & hand held firearms (small arms), combined with how easy it was for a foreigner like the US Navy to enter their harbor un-opposed; they knew, if they were to survive, they had to be able to compete on "an equal basis!" This called for "Industrialization!"

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Before industrialization (about 1780 onwards) Britain was a - the even the - leading trading country of the time; it was capitalist (despite some latter-day 'feudal' flummery) and it had the main Natural Resources required at the time - coal and iron ore. Britain was also free from internal customs barriers and constituted a large and relatively domestic market. Britain also had the advantage of being in Western Europe, on the Atlantic seaboard.

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Q: Why did Japan industrialize?
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The years of the Meiji Restoration are classified as: efforts to industrialize Japan the modernization of Japan's army and navy the acceptance of Western ideas.

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Japan was the last country to industrialize during the nineteenth century. This process began in the late 19th century through a period known as the Meiji Restoration, during which Japan modernized and industrialized rapidly to catch up with Western powers.

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I industrialize.

When did Japan industrialize?

In the Meiji period that started in 1868. Before this year, Japan had really closed borders, they didn't have relations with anyone but with the beginning of the Meiji period they reopened their borders to foreign countries who brought industrialization to Japan.

When did Japan open it's ports to the west?

Japan opened its ports after signing the Treaty of Kanagawa with the US in 1854 and began to intensively modernize and industrialize.

True or false During the Meiji Restoration Japan rejected Western ways of life?

No. Japan embraced Western ways of life in order to industrialize.