He feared losing control of his country and felt that an independent West Bank under PLO governance would threaten the country. See the related links for more information on what came to be known as Black September.
PLO stands for Palestinian Liberation Organization, and the name explains the purpose for which it was created; to liberate Palestine from Israel. The PLO and Israel made peace in the 1990's, and since then Palestine has existed as a semi-autonomous state within Israel.
All of the answers are correct.
Yes. He authored Soviet invasions of Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan, armed Communist forces from Vietnam to Nicaragua to Angola, armed Arab terrorist groups like the PLO and the states that sanctioned them like Iraq, Syria, and Libya, and escalated Soviet armament for more.
There have been few days of peace since 1914. In between the major wars of WW1 1914-1918, WW2 1939-1945, Korea 1955-1953, Vietnam (1952-1975 (French and US forces), Desert Storm 1990-1991, Post 9/11 (2001-present), there was the French-Algeria conflict, Vietnam-China, 4 Israeli-Arab wars with virtually daily terrorist attacks by the PLO, PFLP, and others from 1947-present, Sri Lanka, 4-Indo Pak Wars, 2 China-Indian wars, Colombia vs FARC, Peru vs Sendero Luminoso, the Argentine 'Dirty War' against its own people, Serbs vs Bosnia, the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Russia-Chechnya.
The United States in World War Two had 48 states & several territories. Alaska & Hawaii were territories and would become states later. No enemy country actually invaded any of the 48 states during the Second World War. However the Japanese did invade & seize the following US territories: Philippines & Guam. These territories were seized after the Japanese defeated the US military forces that were stationed there. Also the Japanese invaded & seized two remote, unpopulated & undefended islands (Attu & Kiska) in the Aleutian Island chain of Alaska. The Japanese attacked Hawaii, but did not invade. The Japanese attacked the US base at (populated) Dutch Harbor, Alaska, but did not invade. The Japanese invaded & seized the US island possession (not territory) of Wake. The island was defended by the US military and had US civilians on the island as well. The Japanese sent submarines to the US west coast to attack the US mainland (California) by shelling and by launching a small seaplane to bomb the US. Also the Japanese sent unmanned balloons with firebombs to land in the forests of the US states of Washington & Oregon. This was an unsuccessful attempt to burn the forests.
Yes - True. King Hussein of Jordan was very proud of his contribution towards establishing what might be a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine.
TRUE. One King Hussein bin Talal's greatest accomplishments was helping the Israelis and Palestinian Authority to come to agreements in the Oslo Accords. However, the greater accomplishment was the following year when King Hussein made peace between Israel and his country of Jordan.
Up until they were exiled by King Hussein in September 1970 or "Black September" they were based in Jordan. They then moved to southern Lebanon until the Israeli invasion in 1982 drove them out. The organization then moved to Tunis, Tunisia until 1993 when they returned to modern Palestine.
Arafat (A+)Idk where the other person got their answer from but it is incorrect.
the PLO was established in 1964. The Arab countries league recognaise the astablishment the PLO, as another way to undermined the Israeli present in the middle east. With the leadership of Ya'aser Arrafat from 1968, the PLO become an organisation that find any way to opus the Israeli country as a valid one, specifically the Violent way. In Sept 1970 Jordan, followed the second attempted for the life of King Hussein, attacked and killed many of the PLO militant that have based their activity in Jordan (activity that based the PLO leadership in the west-bank by many ways; education, support and also intimidation. After, Sept 1970 the base of the PLO moved to Lebanon and in 1974 with the 12th convention of the PLO. they have came up with the "Stages Plan", that talks about the liberation of all of Palestine, in the first stage, the liberation of the west-bank and Gaza strip, and with that the PLO will not recognise or accept any borders with Israel and no peace - the 3 no's: no Recognition, no borders and no peace. While the PLO was in Lebanon, Lebanon was in a war between the different groups of it from 1970-1977 when Syria held the Lebanon army from fighting against the PLO. in 77 the PLO moved it's base from Beirut to the south part of Lebanon. after the PLO attacked against an Israeli bus in 78 Israel entered to south Lebanon in order to eliminate all of the PLO terror bases - The Litany Operation. from 1981 the PLO have post their Tanks unit in south Lebanon and fired non- stop to the Israel northern area's. in 82 the IDF entered to south Lebanon in order to stop the PLO terror attacks and Yaser A'arafat and the leadership of the PLO moved from Lebanon to Tunisia. this is the main Idea and I skipped the International plains hijackings, different Terror attacks. The Israeli government talked to the PLO representatives in different occasions, negative and positive in 87, 91 and the most famous one the Oslo Agreement in 93. today, the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, insist of a recognition by the Palestine's government of Israel to exist as a Jewish county because of different decisions that the PLO have done since it's Establishment from 64 but mainly since 68 when Arafat took over the organisation. hope it's help a little
On November 28, 1971 the Black September Organization assassinated Jordan's prime minister, Wasfi Tel, in retaliation for the expulsion of the PLO from Jordan in 1970-71.
PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization
yes i do like plo
Israel raided PLO camps in both Jordan and Lebanon. If you are referring specifically to the Intifada, the Israeli military intensified its control over the West Bank and Gaza as well as arresting numerous suspected terrorists and having military trials.
There are two viable answers:Jordan: In 1970/1971 The P.L.O actually tried to overthrow King Hussein of Jordan. This bought about a war in Jordan (called Black September) that ended with the P.L.O being expelled from that country and 15,000 Palestinian deaths.Lebanon: The Lebanese Civil War began in 1975 as the PLO had turned Southern Lebanon into its own micro-country and repressed the endemic Shiite Lebanese population. This Palestinian violence towards the Lebanese Shiites was one of many reasons why the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1991) broke out.
Plo Koon never had a Padawan.
PLO wants to destroy Israel and all of it's people.