Labor Shortage
In early 1865 the Central Pacific had work enough for 4,000 men. Yet contractor Charles Crocker barely managed to hold onto 800 laborers at any given time. Most of the early workers were Irish immigrants. Railroad work was hard, and management was chaotic, leading to a high attrition rate. The Central Pacific management puzzled over how it could attract and retain a work force up to the enormous task. In keeping with prejudices of the day, some Central Pacific officials believed that Irishmen were inclined to spend their wages on liquor, and that the Chinese were also unreliable. Yet, due to the critical shortage, Crocker suggested that reconsideration be given to hiring Chinese. He encountered strong prejudice from foreman James Harvey Strobridge
... Done DONE
the implementation of the homestead act and the the completion of the transcontinental railroad
Cornelius Vanderbilt controlled the railroad industry.
The people involved in the Pacific Railroad Act was President Abraham Lincoln, Congress, the Union Pacific Railroad, and the Central Pacific Railroad. The Act granted the rail companies land on each side of the railroad they built, which they later sold to settlers.
The Chinese people helped build the Central Pacific railroad. The Central Pacific railroad was built during 1863 to 1885.
The Central Pacific Railroad used Chinese laborers in building the first transcontinental railroad over the mountain.
The Central Pacific Railroad.
Immigrants and minorities did most of the work on the first transcontinental railroad.
The completion of the transcontinental railroad was important to lining different trade markets. Major trade and financial capitals were also linked by the railroad.
The golden spike that was used to mark the completion of the transcontinental railroad in the celebration at Promontory, Utah is in the Stanford Museum in Stanford, California. There is a second golden spike that was not used in the celebration at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento, California.
he was a railroad developer
completion of the Erie canal and of the transcontinental railroad
founder of Stanford university, he was a politician and he was a railroad developer
The Central Pacific Railroad.
"Stanford University" is short for Leland Stanford Junior University. It was named after the deceased son of a railroad tycoon.