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Virginia seceded from the Union after the Fort Sumter attack because they believed the attack violated the Constitution. They felt slavery was protected by the Constitution and the state. As a slave holding state, they believed an attack on state sovereignty by a federal force was an assault on the freedom of property and political representation.

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11y ago

The state decided to vote Confederate. And Robert E. Lee decided to go with his state.
Virginia was an important part of the Confederacy. It, however, did not secede from the Union until the attack on Federal Fort Sumter. When US President Lincoln responded to the fall of Fort Sumter, by calling up 75,000 new troops, Virginia seceded from the Union on April 17, 1861.

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There was no actual declaration of war, because Lincoln did not recognise the Confederacy.

But he appealed for volunteer-troops, which was effectively the same thing, and started planning the naval blockade.

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Q: Why did Virginia secede after the attack on Fort Sumter?
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Which state did not secede until after the fort Sumter attack?

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After the surrender of Fort Sumter in April of 1861, President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for three months and end the Southern rebellion. After Lincoln's announcement, the southern slave states of Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina joined the Confederacy.

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I think they are Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia.