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For the same reasons it angered British troops when they fought Americans during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783); the British considered guerrilla warfare to be "dirty fighting", "sneaky fighting", "unfair", "un-gentlemanly", and "cowardly."

Guerilla warfare, Submarine warfare, and military snipers all were considered: Dirty Fighting; Sneaky Fighting; Unfair; Ungentlemanly; and Cowardly.

For the 21st century all of those "Dirty Forms of Warfare" are now considered the new wave of doing things (they are popular with today's generation of people).

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Q: Why did guerrilla warfare anger the US troops Vietnam war?
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Anger Issues

The actins of this man and his troops caused much anger among the Mexicans?

The US citizens and his troops is what caused anger among the Mexicans. This was done in history.

What was the political setting of the Vietnam War?

Don't anger the USSR & Red China (we didn't need them in the war!).

Why were Americans mad at their own soldiers after the Vietnam war?

The sodiers provided an outlet for the anger at the government for having continued such a war.

Did US when the Vietnam war?

We didn't win the war, HOWEVER, with the anger of the people in America and tons of riots we left, when we left South Vietnam fell shortly to the communists. Though many say we just lost.

How did the parents react when they found out that there sons where being drafted into the Vietnam war?

Most felt anger. Some may have felt, "now he has a job!"

What is guerrilla warfare how does it work?

The ground and terrain in Vietnam consisted a large part of foresty and jungle. The native Viet Cong were experienced in fighting in this environment, in contrast to the American troops, who were young conscripts drafted into the military and fighting their first battle - and if that wasn't enough, it was in the muddy and enduring terrain of the tropical forests, which their enemy was adapted to.When fighting, the Viet Cong amde the most of this advantage, and lured American troops into the forests and attacked them, concealed within the trees and leaves, and this cost the U.S a lot of casualties, although much more casualties were on the Viet Cong side, as a result of the superior firepower of their enemy in retaliating.Eventually, the U.S found a counter, although it's effectiveness is arguable, in dropping highly explosive napalm bombs in the forests, with the intention of destroying them so that it would deprive the Viet Cong of their cover in attacking the U.S troops, and during the course of their air campaign, it was estimated that more bombs were dropped on Vietnam, then in the entire course of World War II, which demonstrates the extent of the determination by the US to take out the Viet Cong.However, this affected many innocent Vietnamese in the proccess, of which a large number depended n the forest for their daily survival, and in turn this aroused feelings of anger against the American troops within the general populace, increasing much-needed support for the Viet Cong, and caused outrage and increased poltical oressure back home in the United States, itself, which would eventually play a part in the withdrawal of U.S forces.With much of the forest destroyed by the napalm, the Viet Cong resorted to building an effective system of underground tunnels in order to transport troops and supplies. Infact, in a number of occassions, Viet Cong tunnels were built directly under the U.S. military bases in which they were attacking, without them knowing.Tactics-wise, the primarily domainant tactics that the Viet Cong used was to conduct hit and run attacks against small, isolated groups of U.S troops, which involved firing at the troops from hidden and concealed locations, and then retreating before they had time to retaliate. Often, this would be costly to the Viet Cong in terms of numbers with thousands dying, but it did manage to achieve the objective of causing casualties among the US troops.Another effective tactic they used was to lay booby traps and mines to the unsuspecting Americans, with some of the most varied and diverse types of booby traps being used. The primary objective of these was to maime and injure the troops, rather than kill them as it was supposed n theory that the Us military cared and looked after each of their soldiers closely, mainting the highest of conditions, and that if large numbers of soldiers were injured, then this would drain the money.However, despite the casualties the tactics were inflicting on Ameircan troops, the expensive losses of the Viet Cong in carrying out these guerrilla attacks and raid were disproportiantely high in comparison, and the effect that they were having wasn't as high as the Viet Cong commander hoped.In 1967, he decided to take a gamble and switch his troops to a more conventional role, and carry out a major attack on important strategic locations in South Vietnam, in what was to be known as the Tet Offensive, and he hoped that the shock of this attack would alarm public opinion in the U.S and force a quick withdrawal.Despite the spectacularity of the attacks, the price on the Viet Cong was fatal, and in the end, having lost of every battle with US infantry, they were stretched to the breaking point and were on the verge of defeat. One more major counter-offensive by the American troops we=ould surely finish them off entirely.However, one important thing saved their existence - the U.S public, horrified at the sight of American troops in open street battles with the Viet Cong, with building damaged and burning, and the siound of itnense gunfire. demanded a withdrawal immediatly, and the US governmenjt was forced to back down to public pressure, and began it's steady withdrawal from Vietnam.It seemed the gamble payed off, and with the U.S. driven out of Vietnam completely by the early 1970s. they switched to conventional tactics and began their invasion of South Vietnam.Here are some good websites for more information: Show) warfare is a type of war that is unorganized and violent, it's fighting violently and effectively without any respect or rules.Basically the only way for a small resistance to fight a army outnumbering them. Defined as a conflict between armed civilians and regular military. The rebel forces use tactics like ambush and surprise to gain the upper hand. An example of the use of guerrilla warfare is the Vietnam War.

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Anger is a valid, healthy emotion. Anger is an emotion that can help set limits and boundaries in relationships. Anger is a tool to help identify needs and wants. Anger is powerful and needs to be used with respect. When you know how to respond to your anger positively, you can tap into an unlimited source of personal power. This personal power can in turn enable you to speak for yourself and to learn to manage the fear of shame or criticism. Anger Alternatives can show you how to work towards your wants without rage, violence, aggression, or controlling behaviors. Anger is a message. Anger tells you that you are hurt and you don't want to be hurt. an anger problem is any behavior caused by anger that hurts you or someone else Anger problems affect men and women of all ages, and from all walks of life. Anger problems come in many forms. Some people become indecisive or inactive when they feel their own or another persons anger. (Passive) Some people act out anger feelings by attacking, or trying to control. (Aggressive) Some people use addictions to avoid their feelings. (Dependant-Addicted) Some people become introverted and depressed.(Depressive) Some people use their anger to manipulate or manage others. (Passive-Aggressive) All anger problems are a form of control. When anger is "reacted" to, the anger is in control. he Supportive Care Clinic offers individual counseling to improve anger management skills and help people develop more effective coping strategies. To contact us, call 615-322-6053. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems-problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. This brochure is meant to help you understand and control anger. 24 HourAnger Management Hotline: 307-262-9675. Anger defined: Feelings of strong displeasure and antagonism with the desire to do something in response to these feelings. Anger has its benefits. Warns that something on the inside is not right. Can move us out of our apathy to accomplish and achieve things. The symptoms of anger include: Rage is uncontrolled or explosive anger and is usually the result of a longstanding issue. Rage can also be viewed as open warfare against another. Resentment is suppressed or repressed anger. We might think of resentment as guerrilla warfare. It is passive aggression and possibly worse than rage. Indignation directed toward conditions or circumstances, not directly at another person. It can lead to trying to do something to right a wrong (e.g. having an abortion.) The causes of anger include: Not getting one's way Rejection Fear of loss, or the loss of something Feeling threatened Past hurts Anger has lasting effects on our lives if we don't deal with it properly. The physical effects of anger are both immediate and long-term. God didn't build the body to handle anger. It's devastating to the body to carry an unforgiving spirit. Unforgiveness divides people - friendships, churches, etc. Passive aggression occurs when we're angry about something but express our negative feelings in indirect or passive ways (e.g. a husband is angry with wife so he is late for dinner). Depression can be chemical, but most often it's the result of unresolved conflict in a person's heart. We must learn how to handle anger. Own up to your anger. Identify the source of your anger so don't misdirect your response. Deal with anger quickly - you have the Holy Spirit within you to give you self-control. Forgive others just as God forgave you. His willingness to forgive is our model. Learn to identify the things that cause you to be angry.

How did England react to the Revolutionary War?

With anger and disdain. The Revolutionary War was waged using guerrilla warfare by the U.S. citizens. It was the first time Britain had been involved in a war where both sides marched towards one another and opened fire. Although the regular U.S. Army and the British did engage in this, many of the militia used suprised attacks to stun the British as they marched in a perferct line (good target in other words) towards battles. The British had figured they learned a lesson and they had full intentions to comeback and retake the U.S. , but it never materialized.

The actions of this man and his troops caused much anger among the Mexicans who was he?

General James Pinckney Henderson in command of a Division of Texas Rangers was the source of much angst between Mexicans and the invading Army.

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The root word of furious is 'fury', "from the Latinfuria,from furere to rage"Source: Merriam-Webster Onlinehttp:/ by Mikkimuse Echo

What feelings did Eminem experience?

Anger, Sadness, Anger, Sorrow, Anger, and Anger. If you watch 8 Mile you'd find out.