He wanted a ''perfect'' Aryan race of people with blonde hair and blue eyes (I'd fit in to Hitler's "perfect world" but ironically he didn't. Whilst he was quite renowned for his piercing blue eyes his hair was brown.)
He did't so much "hate" them, he just considered them to be ideal sources of income for his war. Hitler wanted to fund a war and saw the Jews and other minorities as opportunities to fund his plans. He took the posessions of the Jews and other minorities, killed them, then used the money to pay for his military.
Hitler hated Jews because he felt that they were responsible for may of Germany's problems. Hitler wanted to banish the Jews from society to make Germany an economically powerful country.
hilter belive in killing
Yes, the black legion
What do you think the artist means by showing hilter doing carving?
He wanted control and power over people. He got it. But he still wasn't satisfied.
I am Mexican and i think black people are cool. I had NEVER seen a Mexican that hates a black person unless that person picks on them.BUt most Mexicans don't hate black people.
Yes. That's why they're always like "I hate Rebecca Black".
It isn't. Too many black people there. I hate black people, so I hate SC.
Because. I mean they don't really hate black people. But we hate how ignorant some of them are. We all don't hate them. We dislike them and there ignorance. Well we only dislike the ignorant ones.
No! He is not raciest.
black people
Because Egyptians are also black.
He doesn't. You guys just hate yourselves. You should be ashamed.
The German people.
some few do like black people
No it is not ok to hate blacks, they didn't do anything to you so why should you hate it? imagine if you were black and everyone hated you and you had no friends?! so no it is not okay!