The people who were wounded in the war were often dismissed from the fighting(therefore putting them at little risk) and were assigned to less dangerous jobs, like peeling potatoes. Because the wonded were no longer fighting, more of them survived.
There were 670,846 U.S. service people wounded in WWII
There were about 300,000 million casualties in world war 1.
Drivers in world war 2 drove an ambulance to help those who were injured or wounded.
Usually they wouldnt, but the wounded could be carried off into the reserve trenches for treatment.
Hi, there was about 204,000 wounded in wold war one.
The cause was infectious diseases.
World War 1: 60,000 dead, 136,000 wounded. World War 2: 27,000 killed, 23,000 wounded. Figures rounded.
50,000 were killed and 230,000 were wounded
The Battle of The Somme
About 21,228,000 military personel wounded in total.
The death toll was more than 22 million. In addition, 20 million were wounded and 10 more million became refugees.
There were 670,846 U.S. service people wounded in WWII
approximately 10 million people were killed, with thousands more injured.
A little more than 21 million, and 8 million died