They were afraid that the war would strengthen the US grip in slavery and ensure southern domination of the union.
Some northerners were Quakers, so supporting the war would have gone against their religious beliefs.
Others did not want to see businesses hurt by a bloody land war. Since a lot of trade existed between the North and South, conflict would have thrown commerce into a tailspin, negatively affecting northern landowners.
Didn't like the way Lincoln was running it. Some of these people were called copperheads.
Northerners and southerners became more angry with each other.
Northerners who moved to the south for profit oppurtunities were called carpetbaggers.
With mixed emotions
Didn't like the way Lincoln was running it. Some of these people were called copperheads.
They were afraid that the war would strengthen the US grip in slavery and ensure southern domination of the union.
Because it could have allowed some new slave-states in the West.
they opposed it
no ooooooofff!!!!!!!!!
The north had an economy based on Manufacturing this made northerners oppose slavery because slaves could have taken their jobs
Because the North was gradually learning the idea of equal rights while the South was busy being extremely patriotic.
About 1/5 of all northerners
They felt it simply wasn't their war to get into because the war was in Europe
They did not want to bail the northerners out.
NovaNet- Some northerners viewed Brown as a martyr, while southerners prepared for war.