Well, to support their country/race/culture! Think about it. If all of your friends were on a team against a bunch of people you didn't like you would root for your friends, right? Same thing with people who support war. They want their culture or country to win their rights!
Also, some people support wars in certain specific casesas the only real alternative to a more horrible outcome. That is, such people consider the consequences of a war, then the consequences of not going to war, and conclude that, as bad a war is, not going to war is worse.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
-John Stuart Mill (1806-73)
Of course, the trick is deciding when a war is truly necessary, and when all other reasonable avenues have been exhausted (or, when events have proved that waiting any longer will result in more Horror than waiting for a diplomatic solution).
Winston Churchill said "There is no such thing as a good war, or a bad peace". True but after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941 or 9/11 airplane crashes sometimes war is forced on a country.
i think (and so does my class) that war can b good cuz good things come from them. like the Persian wars, where Athens was fighting Persia. Athens won, and therefore became rich and could rebuild, becoming the Golden Age of Athens. the golden age was a 30 year period of glory 4 Athens also called the cultural center of the world at the time. i believe war causes history.
ne way, hope this helps and gl with watever assignment ur doing (if u r doing 1)
A pacifist is a person who opposes war and violence. Some people are pacifist because they believe that people that live in the world should not kill or harm other people.
As necessary as the cold war was....so yes
During the "COLD WAR"; the Vietnam War was immoral to most people...who believed that war was "immoral" to begin with. Example: During WWII, which was a "clear case" of self defense (the Pearl Harbor Attack), people in the US still protested US involvement in that war. The "...reasons about the Vietnam War", would be the same; war is immoral, for those that choose to believe it. For many people there is NO JUSTIFICATION for war.
It was thought that alcohol was destroying families and the fabric of American society. It was thought that denying people alcohol would stop them from craving it and lessen crime. Funny how that turned out.
Yes: To defend ones country, to defend ones empire. People should make their voices heard, and people don't listen unless there's a gun pointed at their heads. No: To go to war only ignites a new problem. People going to war shouldn't BE necessary, because people often go to war because they will not give up some things for peace. World leaders often care more about their opinions then the men and women they send out to battle, because if they cared about the people more, they wouldn't go to war.
Most Asian cultures believe that war is only to be used when absolutely necessary
The believe the end justifies the means.
It's only necessary because people make it necessary.
I believe that the War was necessary even though everything pretty much remained the same when the battle ended. This war defined the US as a country that should not be messed with. It showed how much courage and dignity they had and that the US will survive and not crumble like the Brittish had predicted. Also it created new hope and pride for the people of the US, something to believe in and protect.
No people don't only do it for that reason, some people do it for glory so they can say i fought in a war others do it because some other people convinced them to. but mostly people do it because they believe it is the rite thing to do and they want to defend what they believe "PATRIOTISM".
big penis and small balls in his mouth
War causes pain, hunger, death, etc. Some people believe war is the only way to resolve issues, while other believe it can be done peacefully.
Because they are terrible people and wish to rule the world someday and believe in war
There are wars because some people believe that they know or can do something better than other people. World War 3 is in the future, if ever.
The faith and wisdom in the gods/goddess also some people do not believe this but some of them died of war.
Do you mean does John McCain believe war exists, or do you mean does John McCain believe that war is sometimes necessary when all else has failed? As far as I know, the answer to both is yes. Whether you believe it or not, some countries and people want the United States to cease existing, and no ingenious argument or offer of valuable goods or property will change that. If the threat to our country is real, if all other avenues have turned into a political shell game, then yes, John McCain will take action.
I believe that Josef Stalin gets the credit for starting the cold war, although I am sure there are some people who believe that Harry Truman started it. It is possible to argue either case.