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The southerners bought more foreign goods than the northerners did. So this kind of led to sectionalism because the northerners thought differently and the southerners were angry because it this tariff affected a lot of people.

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alexander bradley

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3y ago

Summary and Definition of the 1828 Tariff of Abominations

Summary and Definition: The Tariff of Abominations was the name given by its southern opponents to the Tariff of 1828, which was passed by Congress on May 19, 1828. The controversial 1828 Tariff of Abominations was designed to protect American industry from cheaper British commodities. Opposition to the rise of taxes on raw materials, like cotton and tobacco, in the South led to the Nullification Crisis.

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11y ago

1. Tariffs made imported goods more expensive for southern farmers.

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The southerners farmers relied on trading cotton for foreign manufactured goods. Rising tariffs hurt the south economy because of the cost.

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Q: Why did southern states object to and resist the tariffs of 1828 and 1832?
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Did the south support tariff?

NO the southern states did not like the tariffs.

How did Southern States feel about Tariffs before the civil war?

They hated tariffs. All they were making was cotton. Tariffs increased the cost of imports.

Why did middle states like New York and Pennsylvania like tariffs?

Because the tariffs on imports protected their own manufacturing industries. The Southern states, having no manufacturing industry, regarded the tariffs as a tax on the South.

why were southern states against the higher tariffs enacted by congress?

Why were southern states against the higher tariffs enacted by Congress? It would make it more difficult to export crops. It would give northern farmers an economic advantage.

Importing manufacturing goods form the northern states and from other countries made the southern states do what?

Refuse to pay the tariffs - Nullification of 1828.

How did the issue of tariffs divide the country?

Tariffs divided the country since the founding of the United States of America. Northern states had factories which wanted protection from foreign goods. Southern states had cotton and tobacco that they wanted to sell to Europe which paid them higher prices.

Why were Southern states like Georgia opposed to protective tariffs that limited trade?

Georgia's agricultural economy depended on trade.

What would enrage the anti slavery north?

When the Southern states succeeded, it meant the North were no longer collecting their cotton export tariffs.

What is the tendency for an object to resist change once it is in motion?

The tendency for an object to resist change once it is in motion is called inertia. This property is described by Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force.

How did the compromise over trade regulations satisfy both northern and southern interest?

The compromise balanced the interest of northern states that wanted protective tariffs to support their industrial economy by allowing tariffs on some goods, while also appeasing southern states that relied on international trade by setting limits on those tariffs. This way, both regions were able to benefit economically without unduly harming each other's industries.

What is the tendency for object to resist change?

The tendency for an object to resist change in its state of motion is known as inertia, as described by Newton's first law of motion. This principle states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

Why did the northern and the southern split up?

The northern and southern states split up due to differing views on issues such as slavery, tariffs, and states' rights. These differences led to growing tensions that eventually escalated into the American Civil War in 1861.