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Provinces of India and parts of pakastan were were imperial colonies of Great Britain until 1947, therefore were Allies of WWII by default.

Provinces of India and parts of pakastan were were imperial colonies of Great Britain until 1947, therefore were Allies of WWII by default.

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Q: Why did the British pull India in the II World War?
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Why did India participate in World War 1?

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Was India a part of World War I?

No India as a country did not fight in world war 1 however some Indian soldiers assisted British soldiers in the war. Hope this helps :)

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Sorta because The British controlled India and India helped by sending 2 million troops to the European battlefields

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Why did Indians support the British in world war 1 but not in world war 2?

They did support the British in both world wars, providing goods and soldiers to the British. Although "support" may be putting it a bit strongly: India was a colony governed by the British during both wars, and their soldiers were simply transferred to the various theatres of war by the British.