Because they were at war with the British and it was carrying military supplies and ammunition to their enemies. The Germans even went as far as to take out ads in American newspapers warning American's not to board the Lusitania as it would be sailing through a war zone and would be subject to attack. All of this was arranged to facilitate America's involvement in the war by those that stood to profit from it. A Google search for Lusitania will open up tons of doors for you.
Militarily the Lusitania was listed as a reserve ship in the British naval registry, meaning that it could could be pressed into service for the royal navy (some reports state that she was already carrying munitions for Britain). In fact she was designed to be converted into an auxiliary cruiser if the need arose. Therefore it was a sound tactical decision to sink the ship. Furthermore, Germany had declared unrestricted submarine warfare making all British ships targets for sinking, under these conditions, having Lusitania on the naval reserve registry was placing the ship at risk.
However, the sinking of the ship became a major Propaganda victor for the entente as it raise millions of dollars, helped recruit thousands of soldiers and contributed to the US joining the war. In this respect it was a resounding strategic mistake.
Moral there is no question, sinking a passenger ship with so much loss of life was wrong. However that may not have been the uboat captains intent. The Lusitania was not expected to sink from one torpedo hit. The speed at which she sunk came as a shock as well, no one even expect her to go down, particularily not at the rate that she did.
Overall it was a wrong, but the decision to torpedo her can be defended.
Because they were mad and to them a blame.
well the Germans used subs to sink boats supplying England
The Germans used U-Boats to try to attack all of the ships going to Britain, they ended up attacking Listuania, a passenger vessel that was caring amunition but happened to have 150 US passengers causing the US to get involved with the war
The Germans were not prepared for where the landings happened.The Germans were not prepared for where the landings happened.
The Germans used U-Boats to sink the merchant ships that were carrying supplies to Britain. German U-Boats were also used to target and sink naval vessels. On the day that Britain declared war on Germany, German U-boats sunk the British merchant ship the Athenia as it sailed from Liverpool to Montreal.
The Lusitania was a British luxury liner sunk by the Germans in 1915. 128 Americans perished in the disaster. Thus, the Lusitania's demise became one of the main reasons for the United States' declaration of war.
No. An iceberg sank the Titanic. The Germans sank the Lusitania.
If they never built it, it couldnt have been sunk
The Germans only managed to sink about 5 Allied ships out of almost 11,000
The loss was of allied and neutral ships in 1917
Yes, and so the Germans couldn't use it against the rest of the world neither.
Because they were mad and to them a blame.
i suppose you mean the u-boat (unterseeboot) it's a submarine that the Germans used to sink the allies ships they even used them to sink the Lusitania which had American passengers on it and they all died.
The Germans sunk more, cause the US didn't have many, and most of them were in the Pacific.
In fact the Lusitania was torpedoed. The Germans had declare the seas around Britain as a war zone to keep out war supplies. They claimed that the Lusitania was carrying such supplies. It was a very unwise move as it turned public opinion in the US against Germany.
The Germans as they sent U-boats into the Atlantic to sink allied ships so allies sent battleships in and the result A BATTLE / CONFLICT