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1. The US and British governments were at first very skeptical about the information that they received about the Holocaust, and some of it was exaggerated.

2. In World War 1 (1914-1918) the Entente published a lot of false information about German atrocities.

3. In late 1942 and early1943 quite a lot of information was in fact released. It was reported and discussed in the media and there was even talk of trying to 'do something to rescue the Jews'. However, a lot of this seems not to have registered with the public. In a war news from the battlefields is usually far more exciting than reports about ongoing processes.

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Q: Why did the US and Britain not release the information about the Final Solution that they had?
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The Final Solution was the name of the plan. The Allies knew of the final solution through intel, but thought it was a military plan, not plans for the Holocaust.

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The Final Solution was the plan to rid of Europe's Jews.

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The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).

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"The Final Solution." Or "Final Solution." Often referred to in Nazi documents as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note that Hitler never actually came up with a specific plan - his subordinates (led by Himler and Heydrich) gathered together a committee to devise the actual plan, at the direction of Hitler.

How do you say the final solution in german?

final solution = Endlösung

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Because the final solution was to kill ALL Jews

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The "Final Solution"