Cold war.
The Cold War was certainly an excuse to enter the Viet Nam conflict since Russia had a great deal of armament being sold to China and used in that conflict.
However, it is believed that the United State's wanted to procure the Natural Resources of that country before Russia or China could.
Also the military/industrial complex wanted a military conflict to occur so they could produce and use their war machines. What is the use of having the fastest jet fighter if it is not being used? How do we prove our superiority without a war now and then?
The USA went to war with Vietnam because it was a communist country. Also they were allies with the USSR. We were enemies with the USSR so we wanted the USSR to have at least 1 less freind.
The United States went into war with Vietnam in the year 1965.
US Infantrymen experienced more combat in Vietnam due to the helicopter; which picked him up from one battle and inserted him into another firefight. After two battles, if he was needed in another ongoing skirmish, he'd be choppered into that one too. During WW2, when a GI was in battle, that would be his only one. Until they drove their Trucks, Half Tracks, or in MOST CASEs "Walked" (Marched) toward's their next battle. WW2 was a war in which GI's ADVANCED towards the enemy's capital (Berlin or Tokyo). Fight one battle, win it, then advance forward to the next one, until the war was over. The Vietnam War was fight over there, then go back and fight over here, then go back again and fight in that area. The Helicopter made the Vietnam War the most mobile war in military history.
It has effected the u.s. by effecting the people in it and the people has an effect on the comunity and so on..........
The US took it over, when Johnson received the go ahead from the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
Canadian men crossed into the US and joined the US military to fight in Vietnam. Canada itself did not go to war.
To fight communism.
the Vietnam war was not an American war. we got in it to fight off communism. and the vietcong and north vietnamese worked together to fight us, and south vietnamese were hardly using their army to fight, they were letting us do all of it. and Americans didnt want to go die for a lost cause.
The US Government was drafting about 40,000 men a month to fight the war in Vietnam; this caused unrest.
Guerrilla war in South Vietnam '55; conventional war with North Vietnam '64.
The US Coast Guard only protects the United States, they do not go over seas to fight.
To stop the spread of communism.
The USA went to war with Vietnam because it was a communist country. Also they were allies with the USSR. We were enemies with the USSR so we wanted the USSR to have at least 1 less freind.
He refused the US draft in the Vietnam conflict.
During the Vietnam War, in the US military, women were part of the WAC's (Women's Army Corps) in the US Army. The US Navy had the WAVE's.
There was no "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War. Communist NORTH Vietnam was attacking non-communist SOUTH Vietnam, and the US was trying to drive the communists out of South Vietnam...trying to stop communist aggression. It's called the Vietnam War because it's a lot easier to say, and less confusing...than to say "South Vietnam War" or "North Vietnam War", so some people go so far as to say the war in Southeast Asia instead.
The United States went into war with Vietnam in the year 1965.