The Cold War was not a real war. It was a period when the super-powers tried to arm themselves more than the other. The US wanted to have a safe country for its citizens and saw any Communist country as a threat to their security.
The U.S. engaged in many satellite wars with the Soviet Union; Vietnam is one example. The U.S. believed that destroying Communism would help the world progress as well as enlighten other countries.
Deeper down, it might be noted, that the U.S. had to fight the Cold War around the world to remain the top super power.
did us join war in1914 yes or no
They would be sent of to join the war
The US Congress passed laws limiting the activity of the Communist Party in the US, in reaction to Cold War tensions. The Cold War lasted from 1945 to 1991.
Nuclear weapons WERE the cold war. No Nukes, No Cold War.
the US is most responsible for the quick rebuilding of Japan Japan and the US were very close in the cold war and still are
To fight communism; part of the cold war.
president Lincoln
did us join war in1914 yes or no
which war
It is generally accepted that the USSR lost the Cold War, not the US.
The u.s did join WW2
In 1952 :) hann
what do you mean the u.s never had a cold war with itself
Cold War
They would be sent of to join the war
They joined the war in 1917.
They joined the war in 1917.