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The Spanish-American War of 1898 was the first "Foreign" war fought on foreign soil by US forces. In 1899 veterans of that war formed the "Veterans of FOREIGN Wars" to protect themselves from political moves that would/could short change veterans and associated benefits. The first established military veterans group had been GAR (Grand Army of the Republic), which consisted of (Union) US Civil War veterans; they died out when the last Civil War (GAR member) veteran passed on. Each veterans group is normally created to protect the benefits of that particular veterans "group"; as the years go by, politicians perform budget cuts...which often effects veterans. The "American Legion" was formed by WW1 vets; AMVETs (American Veterans) was formed by WW2 vets. The most unique veterans group was the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America); this group was (often) NOT allowed to join established veterans organizations during the 1960's; so they formed their own group in about 1978. The VVA's motto, is "they will never turn their back on another veteran."

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