they were treated like dogs
badman clothes like the taliban
cuz, they look da same
The Filipinos chose Rizal as their national hero. In fact, the revolutionary President of the First Philippine Republic, Emilio Aguinaldo first designated Rizal as a national hero. Rizal advocated independence by seeking reforms from the Spaniards through peaceful means. His literary works like Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Subversive) awakened the Filipinos that reforms should be made to stop the abuses of the Spaniards towards them. Rizal is the Filipinos' martyr for independence and freedom and he richly deserved to be a hero.
The British would like to own the cities on the costal of (America) so sending things by sailing will be very easy.
Not originally. Benedict Arnold was an an American hero and one of America's best generals. After the capture of Fort Ticonderoga he came within a hair of capturing Canada. At the Battle of Saratoga his horse was shot from under him and he was wounded in the leg by a British musket ball. After he was discredited (an event which remains controversial to this day), Arnold had little choice but to ally himself with the British, as a hangman's rope awaited him if he returned to the American side. The British made him a general in their army, but other British generals did not like him or trust him, as they regarded him a traitor to the American side.
Because Benedict Arnold thought that the soldiers didn't treat him like a General and He thought that he wasn't getting payed enough. This cause was because of Congress didn't have not alot of money so General Benedict Arnold led British to attack on Virginia Towns. And Later He died in 1811. (I hope this helped you)
Because Benedict Arnold thought that the soldiers didn't treat him like a General and He thought that he wasn't getting payed enough. This cause was because of Congress didn't have not alot of money so General Benedict Arnold led British to attack on Virginia Towns. And Later He died in 1811. (I hope this helped you)
Benedict Arnold helped with the war Benedict Arnold led his army though Maine in the winter. He helped the soldiers survive. They had to eat boiled candles, bark, and shoe leather to survive. They finally made it to Quebec and they were disappointed because the French Canadians did not rush to support them. Many died but Arnold was wounded so he stayed outside the camp until May 1776, when the British landed new forces in Canada. At last, weakened by disease and hunger, the Americans withdrew, leaving Canada to the British. Answer By: Newenglandbrave I agree with this answer above but there is more to why he is an American hero. He had 2 main victories there was a victory at fort Ticonderoga and victory at Saratoga this is why he was a great American hero and Arnold was wounded at Saratoga. he was decomissioned to have a desk job in Philadelphia (sorry i cant spell) he was accused of stealing money from the the army's funds( i think) and he was mad about these charges and was suppose to go to trial but before he got a letter from George Washington and that letter said that he would have to await his trial because Pennsylvania's Governor didn't like Arnold at all and wanted to express his power and wrote a letter to Washington and said if he let Arnold go he would take away his support for the war this was something Washington couldn't handle because he needed all the support he could get he accepted these terms. This upset Arnold very much and this pushed him over the edge. He was already upset because of things i mentioned before the 2 major victories he had he was not given the credit. Other people were given credit and this upset he so much. He was pushed over the edge. After this he was asked to take control of a major post but he declined this shocked Washington all Arnold wanted was control of fort Arnold known better by today's name as west point. He wanted this so he could give it to the British and now he treason had begun. We ll know the story afterward with the letters getting intercepted and Arnold being put into British military and rising in the ranks there to . So i don't blame him for what he did i would of done the same. A famous line from Arnold was when he got shot. The lower ranking official asked him "where did u get shot" Arnold replied" My leg but I wish it would of went through my heart." If he would of died there he would of been the greatest American hero ever. i do not agree with that answer bacause even thow he stade with the Americans he went agenst them not to long after word.
Hmm.... "Like the boy he should be." Nah just kidding. You should treat him like any other guy. Make him think he's your hero- if he is. Well, just treat him like you used to! There! Give him the more-than-just-a-friend treatment if that's what he wants! Ask him how you want him to treat him like! Problem solved. :3
no just because it says "treat this cards name as e-hero neos" that doesnt mean it is that card just like proto-cyber dragon it says treat as named card it doesnt have its effect or power
The British sought to displace the Indians , while French treated them more like trading partners
"Night of the Comet" (1984). Stars Catherine Mary Stewart, Robert Beltran. "Terminator" (1984). Stars Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
jesus is a hero to people who believe in him like me he is my hero
Think Like a Hero was created in 1989.
The adjective to the word "hero" is "hero-like". Reference is
cleopatra was not a hero because she was suidsidle who would follow a person like like is she a real hero in my opininon NO