They believed that this increased the difficulty of rational peacetime settlements even more difficult because anything could be a target in total war, from food to vehicles. "If it belongs to the enemy we will destroy it" is the idea of total war. Because of this idea it is much more difficult to create a rational peacetime settlement than did earlier types of warfare.
Flip a coin. Both explanations have been offered. I suspect that elements of both explanations factored in to his actions.
He was trying to start an armed rebellion of slaves - which most slaves certainly didn't want. It made the South believe that the fast-growing Abolitionist movement wanted to see a nationwide rebellion of this sort. This put the whole slavery issue beyond rational debate, and many have called these the first shots of the Civil War.
There is not such a race. It is a designation of a hypothetical language of the Indo-European family. Therefore an Aryan is a person who purportedly descended from prehistoric people who spoke the language. The Nazis used it to designate someone who was not of Jewish descent. This is the reason that hate groups such as the White Supremacist refer to a "pure Aryan" race. Their misunderstanding of the issue is not surprising when one considers the absence of rational(not to mention normal) mentality of the persons involved in such despicable organizations.
It made it look as though the Abolitionists were in favour of violent insurrection, confirming the worst fears of the South. After this, there could be no more rational debate on the slavery issue. War was on its way.
Absolutely. Posters helped to recruit millions of Germans for the Wehrmacht (German Army), but most effective perhaps, was anti-semitic propaganda. In this instance, I'll use the book Der Giftpilz.Written by Julius Streicher in 1938, this short novel taught children - yes, young Germans - that Jews were dangerous by likening them to an attractive albeit deadly mushroom. One of the final chapters in the book even blamed them for the death of Jesus Christ (please see the Related Question below for more on that). Goebbels (Hitler's minister of Propaganda) commissioned Streicher to write the book so that the next generations of Germans would be as anti-semitic as their forefathers.
Rational. All the counting numbers (and their negatives) are rational. So all integers are rational. Rational means a number which can be expressed by an integer divided by any other nonzero integer. ("Rational", from "ratio"). In the decimal system some might be difficult to write down exactly (like 1/3, or 1/7), but that difficulty doesn't stop them being rational.
Do you have a specific example? Try to simplify and eliminate the denominators.
There is no simple method. If you can write the number as a ratio of two integers, in the form p/q where q>0, then the number is rational. But it is often very difficult to show that such a representation is not possible.
That would be a difficult justification. 2.010010001 is a rational number. Specifically, it's the ratio of 2,010,010,001 to 1,000,000,000 .
1.14 is rational.
4.6 is rational.
No, it is rational.
It is a rational number
It is rational. It is rational. It is rational. It is rational.
No, it is rational.