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Hitler and other leading Nazis quite intentionally established Nazi organizations for young Germans as well as adults for the sake of solidifying their rule in the present and in the future. By training German children in Nazi values, doctrines, and practices, the Nazis knowingly laid the groundwork for a more loyal and obedient next-generation of Germans who would preserve (and perhaps even expand) the accomplishments of Hitler and the present generation of Germans.

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To find more Jews by sending in children spies to capture more Jews and that created more Jew's deaths at camps

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Q: Why do you think Hitler had German children join Nazi organizations?
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yes it was, the evil twisted man brainwashed all the children to think everyone was inferior to the 'Aryan' the perfect race of german people. their characteristics included blue eyes, blonde hair, pure german, anti-semetic etc. the children had no choice.

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I dont think he did, but it would be something to do with the german nations- World war 1 was started because of Russia and America, but if the German nations got involved, then Hitler would be mainly affected because his mother was from America and his father although German, had American family.

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9 years old ------- Actually, that is wrong. German children could join the Hitler youth at 9, but they could not engage in active combat until 17 i think.

Where did Hitler think the D day invasion would happen?

i don't think he even knew it was coming and if he knew we would be speaking german right now

Did Hitler ever have any Jewish children?

I would not think so, but according to the Translators notes in Mein Kampf (by A Hitler), Hitler's father, Alois Hiedler, was born illegitmate. It is "possible" that Hitler's unknown grandfather was Jewish. How's that for irony? ___ Are the question and answer referring to the same Hitler? My reading of the question is that the question refers to Adolf, not to Alois.

What did Hitler do to make children think everything he did was okay?

propaganda, he made them feel better than Jews