Hitlers plans was to starve France out by building a giant wal around france but it did not work because france was to big
The full body type armor for knights fell out of general use long before the 1900s, but some European heavy cavalry units continued to use breast and back plates into the early 1900s. If you image-google "WW1 body armor", you'll see some examples. Soldiers and policeman still wear helmets and body armor like bulletproof kevlar vests.
It looks like this////
they look like a piece of paper that saves Canada
cuz, they look da same
A decaying dead body
blonde hair blue eyes
A dead body, or corpse, has no pulse, a pale look to it, dialated eyes, and are cold.
Your grandmother
Black hair Wrikled skin Pale Dark eyes Fail body
it would smell and be decomposing little by little, with a horrible stench
He is dead so does not look like anything.
He is dead so does not look like anything.
Depending on the source, 1. Homonculus look like small clay like people. Their body parts may be disproportionate, or out of place, and certain characteristics of their body may be accentuated. 2. Homonculus look like humans who used to be dead. Really, they take the form of other people because they do not have their own form.
He is dead so does not look like anything.
Their beliefs led Egyptians to mummify their dead. When the person died their soul left their body. The soul was then judge by Osiris and to live eternally it must reunited with its body. The soul had to be able to recognize its body.
mine died yesterday. she looked old with her eyes shut and listless. her body flopped around.