Germany was able to fight a 2-front war in Western and Eastern Europe.
Its government committed Australia to the war, following slavishly the British lead, even though Germany did not pose a threat to Australia.
The National Response Center (NRC) is the government's mechanism to report spills of oils, chemicals or other hazardous materials or pollutants that pose a threat to the environment.
Many white Army officers and southern politicians objected to the training of African American soldiers to use weapons. They feared that these black soldiers might pose a threat after the war.
answer #2) The Luisitania didn't pose a threat on Germany. It was only a passenger liner and was also used for trading. Germany sunk the Luisitania in 1915 because they wanted to end the trade into the British Isles in order to starve the island of its goods, and also to scare the countries, but the United States threatened them causing Germany to back down.
Oxygen poses a threat to cell structures due to the oxidation of components. There is a conversion of substances to complex forms and the breakdown of essential components.
Well it does not really pose a threat although if you see it it might frighten you but there have been no reports of the monster destroying or killing anybody thus, it does not pose a threat and also HE IS REAL!!!
The greatest threat tornadoes pose comes from debris carried and thrown by the winds.
The greatest threat tornadoes pose comes from debris carried and thrown by the winds.
They did not pose a threat to the US proper, but they did pose a threat to US shipping, and to the shipping of other seafaring nations. They were capturing ships, stealing their cargoes, and selling the crews and passengers into slavery in North Africa.
well i think that it is a threat to sharks and whales but i don't think that is is right
Giraffe calves are vulnerable to lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, and wild dogs. Lions pose the most serious threat.
Predators such as lions, tigers, wolves, and eagles are examples of animal competitors that pose a threat to prey in the wild.
Criminals who pose a threat to society are not elligible for parole. The fashion model will pose for the camera.
not unless you hurt them or pose a threat to them
No, they do not pose a threat.