well if u av a brother it cud b cos he "favours" your bro. it happened to me sometimes. It's a male fing. If u dont have a brother den it cud be cos he doesn't no what to say to you. Why don't you talk 2 a trusted adult about it.
maybe he is stressed or tired have tou triend talking to him he will understand he may be having problems of his own at work you never know maybe because of somthing happend when he was a young boy if talking to him doesnt work talk to your mum, nan, grandad anyone close to you if that still doesn't work maybe your better of without him but that will never be true family is the most best thing in the world REMEMBER THAT DONT EVER FORGET
Well they are mean beacause they have anger issues a lot of it!!! :(
They don't hate you. You only think this because they won't let you do something you want to do or get something you want. By asking this question you are showing how immature you are and that they are correct in their actions. The job of parents is to make sure you grow up to be a good person, to have you learn responsibility, and to learn all you can so you can leave home and make a living. Sometimes children make mistakes because they don't have the experience in life to know what they should or shouldn't do. That is what parents are to stop it from happening.
Parents always hate you if you use to damage your study and be addicted, which indicates your dark future. One thing ,we have to remember that only parents can be happy to see the prosperity of their children. Naturally they will be unhappy to see the downfall of their children. If you do not care and neglect the parents passion. They will start to hate you. You will be the responsible , why does your parents hate you.
Adolf's father was a drunk who beat him there are accounts of hitler remembering his mother shield him when he was only five with her body hitler was very fond of his mother and had her picture with him when he killed himself.
Hitler didn't hate Germans.
I hate here cause I'm no family love their children and young people don't like us anymore I hate family
Dad is Frank and mum is Helen.
If you say my mum or dad... you don't need caps. if you are saying mum and dad... then you don't need caps.
If you hate your dad, tell him that you have hated the way he behaves and and thAT YOU AR SICK OF HIM
That they hate their dad!
he hates his dad?
she doesn't.
because his dad didnt understand him
did Mozart ever hate his dad??? == == at times that he made him do things!?!
No but i hate u
Don't. As long as your dad understands why, you don't have to explain to anyone.
Tell your dad and say I'm not trying to be rude but why did you marry her I hate her?
He disliked his father very much as he was beating him up, and there is no reason for him to hate his mother but he did hate her. His mother was not like his dad, she was better than him.
People who hate others often secretly hate themselves. He might think that because he isn't your real dad, he can do whatever he wants.