it's very labor intensive to manufacture.
As a do-it-yourself project it is not all that expensive. A 50 lb box of iron rebar wire, a simple mandril, wire cutters, and two pair of pliers will see you as the proud owner of a coif and hauberk in just a few months for less than $100.
We do not know who invented chain mail, or even where it was invented. There is a link below to an article on chain mail, but I can only hope it can help.
Because the chain mail is metal, it conducts the heat away from the skin leaving you feeling cold so the vests were there to keep them warm. Also, if you were to take a hard hit onto chain mail on bare skin, the rings would cut into the skin. Sure, not as bad as if the soldier hadn't had the mail, but still an injury. So, padding was needed.
with a spam filter
Absolutely. 4 way interlinked iron chain links making a shirt easily deflects most edged or pointed weapons with only minor bruising. You usually need to wear good leather armor under the chainmail to reduce the bruising. It is just very tedious and expensive to have a blacksmith make quality small but strong link chainmail for you. But chainmail is less expensive than full plate armor.However chainmail will not deflect crossbow bolts or bullets. (neither will plate)Naomirox123 says: Eccles-Jordan Trigger maybe they meant chain-mail as in email!In this case it does not work! It's like a email virus that tells if you dont do "this or that" you'll die or something bad will happen. So just ignore it, nothing bad can happen!
it is depending what type of stores there are and how long the mall is.
Chain Mail
Chain mail is linked rings of metal.
A chain mail is 'un maillon' in French.
We do not know who invented chain mail, or even where it was invented. There is a link below to an article on chain mail, but I can only hope it can help.
The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).The Romans used different types of armor at different times. They began with the quilted leather torso protecting type and then graduated to the chain mail type. The segmented type of armor came into style for most of the ground troops, while the cavalry preferred the chain mail type. The officers would sometimes have a cuirass sometimes made of bronze (expensive).
Chain mail keeps you lightly armoured and still light on your feet.
Because the chain mail is metal, it conducts the heat away from the skin leaving you feeling cold so the vests were there to keep them warm. Also, if you were to take a hard hit onto chain mail on bare skin, the rings would cut into the skin. Sure, not as bad as if the soldier hadn't had the mail, but still an injury. So, padding was needed.
Since Chain mail is not a weapon, it is legal in all states, and everywhere else in the world.
If you're a guy, put on a chain mail. If you're a gal, put on a chain mail bikini, and e-mail result to me.
The cast of Chain Mail - 2008 includes: Natalie Voyce as Larni
The cast of Chain Mail - 2007 includes: Tom Elkins as Steve