It is said that logistically, women won the war (in reference to World War 2) because women were responsible for working in the industry. This was due to the fact that most of the able bodied men were fighting the war.
women won the right to vote
General Grant said it to his men when they were inappropriately celebrating that the CSA and Grant surrendered, and the Union won the war.
Women's lives changed a great deal after WW1. No longer were they protected by the innocence of peace. In fact, women became more aware of the global conflicts that surrounded them and their respective nations. The majority of women also went to work to fend for themselves and their children.
The Union won the Civil war
the american won the war
It is said that the GREEKS won the Trojan war.It is also said that they won it in a big woodan horse.Do you know WHY it was called the Trojan war?If No, it is called the Trojan war because it happent in a villedge called TROY123Nay
Women won the right to vote after World War I
Women won the right to vote after World War I
My Dad's uncle's uncles fought in the war and he said they said they won Vicksburg and Gettysburg
women won the right to vote
The Union Army won the Battle of Gettysburg from August 1st to August 3rd 1863. The Battle of Gettysburg had over 40,000 casualties.
they though bananas at them and who said ow won
women won the right to vote
Women's entrance into the workforce during World War I
Women's entrance into the workforce during World War I
Women's entrance into the workforce during World War I
World War 1