Short answer: blood Longer answer: The flags of communist states all have red backgrounds, copied from the Soviet flag. This background honors the red flag of the Paris Communards of 1871. This in turn is based on the red flag used by the Jacobins during the French Revolution in the 1790s. Vietnam's pre-communist flag had a yellow background and either a red stripe or three red stripes. So red and yellow are traditional Vietnamese national colors.
The Highlands, the Delta, and the Coastal regions.
See website: Vietnam TIME LINE
It is red and yellow. Red is the background color and yellow is the star's color.
Ho Chi Minh
red people
what was the impact of vietnams war on Australia's society
With Vietnames
Pole dancing
It is rice.
what is vietnam's culture like
they eat rice and chicking
The Vietnamese nickname is Viet
The Highlands, the Delta, and the Coastal regions.