Because if you arrive with an army too late, you may loose the an important piece of real estate. Like Lee's failure to seize Culps hill on the first day at Gettysburg or the Japanese failure to carry out a land invasion of Pearl Harbor.
Chevys is acceptable.
The advent of white-collar jobs made women's presence more acceptable.
The advent of white-collar jobs made women's presence more acceptable.
Most nation´s fell that total war is acceptable because everyone uses it. Some examples - The atomic bomb, Horishima - World War II Without total war the U.S. would not exist Harvard graduate James
In World War Two it was not socially acceptable for women to fight, so no women were soldiers.
Recurring tardiness is not a good habit.
"Tardiness is not an excuse for bad grades."
Her constant tardiness to work meetings is starting to affect the team's productivity.
Tardiness is a serious and persistant problem at our school.
John's teacher was irritated by his inexcusable tardiness to class on a regular basis.
You spelled it right! Tardiness is fine, and I don't know any alternative spellings.
Research on tardiness often focuses on factors influencing tardiness such as motivation, time management skills, and organizational culture. Studies also explore the impact of tardiness on productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. Additionally, there is a growing body of literature on interventions and strategies to reduce tardiness in educational settings, workplaces, and other contexts.
Be on time
Oh, it's okay, friend. Sometimes we all run a little late, and that's perfectly fine. Just be honest with your reason for being tardy, express your regret, and share how you plan to prevent it from happening again in the future. Remember, mistakes happen, and what's important is how we learn and grow from them.
Your tardiness is unacceptable Bobby! Go to the office right this second! I hope that's what your question was.
The teacher likely relates tardiness to a lack of discipline, responsibility, or respect for others' time. Tardiness can also be seen as a sign of disorganization or a failure to prioritize effectively.
To write a warning letter to an employee for tardiness, one must not be afraid to tell the truth. If one's employee is displaying tardiness, a letter of truth would do no harm.