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Germany was in a state of depression much like the united states in the 1930's, but the Jewish communities seemed to be doing better then everyone else in Germany so the nazi's found someone to blame the depression on which started to casue the hate of the Jewish people.

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Q: Why was Germany fertile soil for the Nazis following world war 1?
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Do many Nazis exist in Germany?

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Yes, Germany was occupied by the Nazis in World War II, and so were Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, and Germany.+++The Nazis did not "invade" Germany: they were German, albeit coming to power in underhand ways and ruling their own country as a dictatorship.

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The Nazi headquarters was in Berlin, Germany.

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This is truly a dumb question. The split German was created AFTER the war ended.

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What war started 1939 to 1945?

The second World War with Nazis Germany.

What war was in World War 2?

There was the war between the bad (Japan and Germany or nazis)and the rest of the world.

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Germany, the Nazis, had the upperhand at the begginning of World War 2 because they started it and they were on the offensive.

What did the Nazis do in World War 1?

The Nazis did not exist during World War 1. The Nazi party was formed in 1920 and rose to power in Germany in the 1930s. They played a significant role in World War II, not World War I.

Was it in world war 2 that people hid Jews?

Yea, and it was the Nazis that hid them and tortured them in Germany