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(Note: Question Corrected from "WWI" to "WWII")

The Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI, imposed many severe restrictions on Germany's military structure. Among these was a clause forbidding Germany from having armed aircraft. Obviously, history shows that Germany disregarded many of the Treaty's restrictions, as it had one of the largest and most advanced Air Forces in the world at the outbreak of the war.

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9y ago

Simply put, the Allies had achieved daylight air superiority over France by forcing the German Luftwaffe to relocate its fighter defense units from France, Belgium & Netherlands back east into Germany. This was achieved by the US 8th Air Force's bombing campaign against strategic targets in Germany. The effectiveness of American bombing forced the Luftwaffe to change its priorities from the defense of France to the defense of the "Reich" (Germany & Austria). The effectiveness of American fighters (primarily the P-47D) & pilots in successfully engaging the German fighter pilots, helped to reduce American bomber losses and forced the German defenders to avoid American fighters. This meant locating German Me-109 & Fw-190 fighter units inside Germany, out-of-range of the American P-47. Then four things that the 8th Air Force did before D-Day combined to inflict defeat on the Luftwaffe.

1. The 8th Air Force acquired larger drop (fuel) tanks for the P-47D Thunderbolt fighter increasing its radius of action into northern Germany. Note: Although the P-47 was over-shadowed by the P-51 Mustang in the minds of the public, it was actually the P-47D that first began killing-off German expert (ace) pilots of the Luftwaffe in large numbers. The P-47D carried eight 0.50 cal. MG with very large amounts of ammunition that had the ability to destroy both the Me-109 & Fw-190 German fighters in a devastating manner that often quickly killed or wounded the German pilot. It was the loss of skilled pilots that mattered more than the loss of German aircraft to the eventual defeat of the Luftwaffe.

2. The P-51B & C Mustang fighters (with only four 0.50 cal. MG) began to become operational in England in December 1943. They had excellent range, competitive maneuverability & firepower that escorted the bombers deeper into Germany than the P-47 could. German fighter pilots were engaged in air combat over much more of Germany (and later Austria), even over their own airfields.

3. The leadership of the 8th Air Force decided to switch its fighter combat tactics from "close escort" of the American bombers, to the "ultimate pursuit" of the German fighters. This meant that American fighters would escort the bombers until the German fighters would appear. Then the American fighter pilots were free to chase any and all German fighter pilots that they could see. Both the P-47 & P-51 were fast enough to pursue & catch the enemy aircraft at almost all altitudes. No German piston-engine fighter was able to escape a P-47 or P-51 by diving away. The P-51 had sufficient range (with drop tanks) to pursue most German pilots all the way to their airbases if necessary. P-51's could linger near enemy airfields waiting to pick-off Germans landing or taking-off.

4. The 8th Air Force in May 1944 unleashed a very successful bombing campaign against German oil/fuel targets that caused an immediate & lasting shortage of fuel for the German military. This shortage helped to prevent German air units from redeploying back into France during the Allied landings at Normandy in June 1944, and reduced the number of missions that the Luftwaffe could fly.

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14y ago

They did use the jet in World War 2. The allies shot them down. The production of the Jet was started too late in the war. The war was over before they could build thousands of them.

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Q: Why was Germany not allowed an air force leading up to World War 2?
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In World War 1 what country had the strongest air force?


What secret treaty between Germany and Russia allowed Germany to prepare militarily for World War 2?

In 1922, the signing of the 'Treaty of Rapallo' in the Italian town of Rapallo ,as a result allowed for the normalizing of diplomatic relations ,including the soviet Union allowed Germany to use their facilities and territory to develop military hardware and train pilots from the German's so-called 'amatuer air gliding club's'.This allowed Germany to be well equiped and trained long before other country's understood what was happening .One mintue no air force ,next minute well trainned and equiped air force,just like magic ,under the very noses of the rest of the world.That help from Russia ,came back to haunt Russia later,when the German's used that hardware and trainned against them.

Why was adolf Hitler important in world war 2?

Hitler was important to people because he had been leading the force against the Treaty of Versailles. He had exploited Germany's weakness at the end of World War One to convince the Germans into supporting him. People of Germany saw him as the way for Germany to rise as a powerful and strong country.

What finally forced Germany's unconditional surrender in World War 2?

They were surrounded , their air force was decimated, most of their army was gone.

What changes allowed women to enter the work force inthe 1920?

World War I was the largest change that allowed women to enter the work force in the 1920s. Men were drafted into the war, which left vacancies at factory jobs, which had typically not been available to women before then.

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Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

What caused the balance of powers to shift in Europe in the years leading up to the war?

Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

What cause the balance of power to shift in Europe in the years leading up to the war?

Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

. What caused the balance of power to shift in Europe in the years leading up to the war?

Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

What caused the balance of the power to shift in Europe in the years leading up to the war?

Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

What caused the balance of power to shift to Europe in the years leading up to the war?

Germany became an empire with the ability to rival other world powers. Germany also chose to rule in a way that was harmful to people, and could be dangerous if it spread throughout Europe. War was the only way to force Germany to slow down.

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After WW2 all the major Allied countries occupied Germany

What was the compromise of the Treaty of Versailles?

The victorious allies decided on tha fate of Germany -blame Germany for the war -make Germany pay reperations -army was restricted to 100'000 men, no air force, 6 battle-ships, no submarines etc. -Germany lost 13% of its territory -Germany was divided into 4 zone, Berlin as well

Who was the largest and strongest force against Germany in World War 2?

The Soviet Union