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The advantage of dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (I assume that this is what you are referring to) was that it made the Japanese surrender and brought the war to an end very quickly, when the Japanese were determined to fight to the end.

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16y ago
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13y ago

they droped the bomb becaus some scientist said drop it some said don't. The Americans asked scientist because they did not know what to do!! so the Americans went with the scientist who said drop the bomb so they droped it. they thought it would make other countries jealus.

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15y ago

They dropped the atomic bomb in WWII, because America wanted to defeat Japan. Japan surrendered, leaving the Americans victorious

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Q: Why was it good to drop the bomb in world war 2?
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To force them to surrender, there for ending World War 2.

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Harry S Truman

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The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .

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Stop war.